QuoteMaster Documentation

Complete guide to setting up and using QuoteMaster in your Google Workspace

Getting Started

QuoteMaster is a Google Workspace add-on that helps tradespeople create professional quotes and invoices directly from Google Sheets. It integrates with Google Forms, Gmail, Drive, and Calendar to provide a complete business management solution.

Overview Video: Add your QuoteMaster introduction video here

Before you begin, you'll need:

  • A Google account with access to Google Sheets, Forms, and Drive
  • Basic familiarity with Google Sheets
  • Your business details (logo, contact information, etc.)

Already using spreadsheets for your business?

If you're already managing your business with Excel or Google Sheets, you can save time by importing your existing data into QuoteMaster:

  • Client lists can be imported directly into the Client Database
  • Service catalogs can be transferred to the Service Database
  • Product inventories and materials lists can populate your Product Database

Many tradespeople start with basic spreadsheets but quickly outgrow them. QuoteMaster builds on what you already have, adding automation and professional features while keeping the familiar spreadsheet interface you're comfortable with.


Step 1: Install the QuoteMaster Add-On

Start by installing the QuoteMaster add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

[Link to QuoteMaster in Google Workspace Marketplace]

Screenshot: QuoteMaster in Google Workspace Marketplace

Step 2: Authorize the Add-On

When you first install QuoteMaster, you'll need to authorize it to access specific Google services. QuoteMaster requires permissions to:

  • Access and modify your Google Sheets (to create quotes and invoices)
  • Access your Google Drive (to store generated PDFs and organize client folders)
  • Access your Google Calendar (to schedule appointments and reminders)
  • Send emails via Gmail (for client communications)

Screenshot: OAuth permission dialog

Step 3: Create Your QuoteMaster Workspace

After installation, QuoteMaster will create a new Google Sheet with all the necessary templates and databases. This will be your central business hub.

Important: Do not delete or modify the file name or structure of the template sheets. QuoteMaster relies on specific named ranges and formulas to function properly.

Business Configuration

Before adding clients and creating quotes, you'll need to set up your business details and preferences. This information will appear on all your estimates, invoices, and communications.

Business Settings

Add your business name, details, contact details, and payment details in the "Settings" tab. You will also need to add your logo in the "Customization" tab, and customize your estimate and invoice templates in the "Message Templates" tab, for automated WhatsApp and email messages.

Setting Up Your Client Database

The client database is where all your customer information is stored. This information is automatically pulled when creating quotes and invoices.

Adding Clients Manually

Navigate to the "Clients" tab in your QuoteMaster sheet and add client details directly. For each client, you must include:

  • Required fields: Client name, complete address, and at least one contact method (both phone number and email address are strongly recommended)
  • Address format: Enter addresses with proper line breaks (3-4 lines). For example:
    123 Main Street
    SW1A 1AA
    123 Main Street
    Apartment 4B
    SW1A 1AA
    Incorrect formatting will cause addresses to display improperly on estimates and invoices.
  • Contact details: Phone numbers and email addresses are essential for WhatsApp and email communication features to work correctly
  • Adding multiple clients: To add more clients with proper ID formatting:
    1. After entering your first client details, look for the small blue circle in the bottom-right corner of the client ID cell (C01)
    2. Click and hold this blue circle, then drag downward to create new client ID cells
    3. This automatically generates sequential IDs (C02, C03, etc.)

Using Google Forms for Client Intake

You can also set up a Google Form that feeds directly into your client database.

Setting Up Your Service Database

The Service Database contains all the services you offer. When creating quotes, you'll select services from this database to quickly add them to your estimates and invoices.

Navigate to the "Services Database" tab in your QuoteMaster sheet to add or edit your services

Setting Up Your Area Database

The Area Database allows you to define different locations where you provide services. This helps organize your quotes and can be used for location-specific pricing.

Navigate to the "Area Database" tab in your QuoteMaster sheet to add or edit your service areas

Creating Your Product Database

When adding items to your Product Database, only edit columns B (Product Name), C (Brand), E (Base Price), and H (Category). The other columns contain formulas that automatically calculate markups and display information in your ESTIMATE and INVOICE generators. Edit your Mark Up % for your materials in the "Settings" tab.

Navigate to the "Product Database" tab in your QuoteMaster sheet

Creating Estimates and Invoices

Learn how to quickly generate professional estimates and invoices using the generator sheets.

1. Navigate To The ESTIMATE Generator Sheet and Select Client

Choose an existing client or add a new one to the Client Database so it appears in the client dropdown menu

2. Select Service

Select a service from the dropdown menu, or add a new service to the Service Database so it appears in the service dropdown menu

3. Select Area

Select the area where the service will be carried out from the dropdown menu, or add a new area to the Area Database so it appears in the area dropdown menu

4. Add Materials

Select your materials from the dropdown menu in the ESTIMATE and INVOICE generators, they will be listed in the same order as they are listed in the Product Database. The material costs will be automatically calculated and added to your labour costs.

5. Add More Service Rows

To add more service rows, select the existing row, press Ctrl + C, right click and select "Insert 1 row below", then press Ctrl + V

6. Generate Estimate

Select Generate Estimate from the QuoteMaster tab, then click the Generate Estimate button from the side bar

7. WhatsApp and Email Messaging

Send your estimates, invoices and review requests via email or WhatsApp with a single click, complete with up to date PDF attachments

8. Calendar Updater

Schedule jobs directly to your Google Calendar with all relevant client and job details

9. Invoice Generator

Turn accepted quotes into invoices with a single click, ready to send to clients

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Google Workspace account to use QuoteMaster?

No, you don't need a Google Workspace account to use QuoteMaster, a regular Google account is all you need. QuoteMaster is an add-on for Google Sheets, with extended functionality into Google Calendar, Gmail (or your preferred email provider) and WhatsApp.

Is my data secure?

All your data is stored in your own Google Drive and is subject to Google's security protocols. QuoteMaster doesn't store any of your data on external servers.

Can I use this on mobile?

Yes, QuoteMaster works on mobile through the Google Sheets app, though some advanced features work best on desktop.

Need Additional Help?

If you have questions or need assistance, we're here to help.

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